Take A Trip
Jesus said to GO
Based on where you are in your spiritual journey, we offer 3 levels of trips.
Each trip is rated according to the level of difficulty of the work or ministry required and the conditions the team will encounter.
Warrior (Level 1)USA Cities
Spartan (Level 2)Countries Within Medium Proximity of USA
Titan (Level 3)Countries Far From USA & Within 10/40 Window
10/40 Window
- Shown in blue, the 10/40 window is a rectangular area from North Africa through the Middle East to Asia.
- It covers 68 countries
- The name comes from its position between 10 and 40 degrees north latitude
Jesus does not see these billions of people primarily as citizens of countries. Rather, they are members of the “nations” also called “tribes and peoples and languages” in the Bible. Every individual is equally valuable and equally lost without hope in Jesus Christ.
- 2/3rds of the world’s population live here (approx. 5 billion)
- 3 out of 5 people have no access to the gospel (approx. 3 billion unreached)
- Also called the “Resistant Belt” because of little separation between religion and state
- Of the poorest of the poor 8 out 10 live here
Never Heard the Gospel
People die everyday in unreached world without Jesus